Barrian™ is the water barrier that integrates throughout for lasting protection.

Barrian superhydrophobic additives from Dry Surface Technologies (DST) set a new standard for water repellency. Barrian additives are the best, longest-lasting dry you can buy. The difference? DST’s revolutionary superhydrophobic diatomaceous earth technology specially licensed from Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL).

Unlike other waterproofing materials or treatments that merely work at the surface and quickly lose effectiveness when exposed to minimal wear, DST’s multi-patented Barrian additives fully integrate throughout coatings and other materials to provide robust, volumetric superhydrophobic performance.  Barrian retains its durability and effectiveness as your product wears away. No other product can achieve this remarkable result. And because Barrian is composed of diatomaceous earth – an entirely non-toxic form of amorphous silica widely used in industrial and consumer products, including toothpaste – it poses no handling or environmental concerns.

Whether your product is designed for industrial or consumer applications, Barrian will make it unwettable throughout. And that will make your product unbeatable in the marketplace.

View the ORNL video demonstrating the new Barrian Technology, licensed to Dry Surface Technologies.

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Barrian is a trademark of Dry Surface Technologies LLC.